Saturday, May 10, 2008

Lesser known accomplishments of Karl Marx

- Winner, Best Beard 1848

- New York Tribune Employee of the month, November 1851

- Beat Engels in an arm wrestle, public bar, London 1844

- Gave Feuerbach the finger from a passing buggy, Reichenberg 1870

- First runner up, Schubert karaoke contest, 1841


Pusia said...

You know, it's always nice that read what you write and think "Ah, that's our Daniel".

You be funny.

Daniel said...

I be grateful too.

Also, 'our'?

Pusia said...

As in the Soviet Empire 'our'. Forward!

Daniel said...

I call that the 'royal we', not the Soviet we. You've been in Eurotrash village too long.

Also, I'd like to point out that McSweeney's rejected this list. I'm not sure why, possibly because it's actually funny.

Pusia said...

Hahahaha. I like McSweeney's though. Possibly because I am unfunny too.